Friday, January 30, 2009

DC January 30th 2009

Friday January 30th 2009

Today I got to meet the senator. I then came home and instead of going dancing with the others I wathced Princess Bride with some of the other girls that are too young or choose not to go out on the town. So this was the first time that I had ever seen that movie and I very much enjoyed it. Then I started to fall asleep. And now I am here really wanting to fall asleep in the arms of a boy, Brent preffered. I love it here and I love the blondes and I love life and the world.

Val I LOVE YOU and Christy too and Heather I would never forget you!!!

DC January 29th 2009

Thursday January 29th 2009

This day was a lot of fun. My evening started earlier than normal and it was great. That is my day.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DC January 28th 2009

Wednesday January 28th 2009

Today was a great day full of learning and growing and exploring. At home I made a run to Costco with some of my roomies. I needed some variety and so I went. It was great and a lot of fun to chase the cart down the highway and keep stuff from falling off of it. Then home to update my blog add pictures and facebook. Life is great!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

DC January 27th 2009

Tuesday January 27th 2009

Super cool spiritual experience today and it taught me very much. Okay so one of my friends got so sore and crampy that she was unable to walk. Then she got to the point where she just flat out passed out. She came back and laid out on the ground at which point she asked me to search out Vaughn or Andi who both are active faithful priesthood holders. Well she sent me to get them because she needed a blessing then and there and I was willing to assist her. So I did as she asked and we actually were unable to find Vaughn so we pulled another person who I did not know was a member but is. I gained a stronger testimony of what a great thing it is to be surrounding ourselves with good people all the time. I am so thankful for the experience I had today. Like I said in yesterday's post I am learning so much so quickly. Snow Day!!! It snowed a whole 1/2 inch and the entire city struggles with snow and it even makes it really funny when the schools close because the busses can't get there. So I laughed at the way people handled it here. Then I walked in it and I got stares and questions cause I can walk in the snow in a dress. I quite loved the weather today and it made me exceptionally happy. I am so glad that I go to see the snow and it made me so less homesick. I am having a great day and week in DC. I just need weekend stuff to do and I will be great.

DC January 26th 2009

Monday January 26th 2009
Happy Birthday Alyssa!!!

Okay so back to work this day and it was the same as always. I love learning so very much. So then I came home from work ditched FHE and went to dinner for Alyssa's birthday instead. We went to half price and then had cake and ice cream and then I went to bed. This day sadly really didn't have a great story.

DC January 25th 2009

Sunday January 25th 2009

This is just like any other sunday. Church early followed by a nap and some fun hanging time. Tonight however I went and played games in the penthouse at Crystal Towers with the BYU Student Teachers. Too much fun I had.

DC January 24th 2009

Saturday January 24th 2009

Okay so this day was kinda fun. We went to the National Portrait Gallery and then we had a crazy fun experience in Chinatown. We were hungry and since the Portrait Gallery is in Chinatown we decided to go to the Chinese Resteraunt with the coolest name on the iPhone. Well this led us to an unclean and awful Chinese resteraunt. So we order our food from the waiter with 6 inch fingernails and sit around and watch the city pass by and have great conversation. Well then we see the man with the long nails and he was making our food without gloves and he is mixing it up. So we decide to leave well we don't just leave we take off in a run. On this run we find a finger or something that very much resembles a finger. Then after that we are running through the back alleys of Chinatown and we end up still being more running cause of the not eating and just running. So we decide to go to a better place up the street and we were glad that we did. Well after that we headed to the Kennedy Center to see a jazz concert. Then after that we were going to go bowling but we changed our mind and started walk back. So on the way home we Metro Surf, WAY TOO FUN!!! So the turn between foggy bottom and Rosslyn is way fun and hard and this is where I fell. But it was okay. So I get home and we play pool. I won but I blame that on Christian my teammate. So that is what we did and then way early Church the next day. Later this night I crashed into a sign sticking out in the tunnel in the undergound from the Metro.

Friday, January 23, 2009

DC January 23rd 2009

Friday December 23rd 2009

The weekend arrived sooner than I thought it would and I am so glad that it has arrived just because I live for the weekend so much. I have figured out the fastest way home from work which may or may not be a bad thing to have figured out. I am just excited about everything that I have going for me. Life is all together even though it doesn't seem like it. I am so excited about everything that I have going for me. I LOVE DC!!! I love the people, the sights, the sounds and everything about being here. I am learning and growing so very much and it is such a great thing. I am not sure about what my evening may bring but I certainly hope that it is great. I will update as I do something this evening.

I am going to take pictures tonight. I solemnly swear that I am going to take them.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

DC January 22nd 2009

Thursday January 22nd 2009

Today as I was walking past the Supreme Court Building I witnessed a protest occuring. I saw them and it was another reminder of how greatly blessed I am to have been born in this fabulous country and what that means for my freedoms. Sadly I chose to take the mature route and not join this protest because I care for the reputation of my office. But that is all that I am going to say about it. I love what I do especially when I get the opportunity to interact with those who have made the say in congress.

I have pictures of the protest and I will get those up hopefully this weekend

DC January 21st 2009

Wednesday January 21st 2009

Did not do very much, prolly cause I am exhausted. Short post for a long day. But that is sometimes what happens.

I am pathetic and didn't take pics either.

Brent and Jordin's "break-up"

Okay so girls here is what went down and what may or may not happen

Brent and I have had a long distance relationship for almost 4 years now and it is draining on both of us. Another thing is that neither of us has ever really dated anybody else and this is difficult on us because we are both a little unsure about whether we are making the right decision for our future companionship. Well while I have been out here I have come to realize that I am not able to call ourselves ‘in a relationship’ since we are in fact 1500 miles apart and we were both kinda agreeing to that. So I am fortunate enough that Brent and I were both aware of what we were being told by the Holy Ghost and that by making this decision to take a break instead of breaking up we are doing what is best for our relationship. Brent and I have decided that we need to pursue our relationship in a normal fashion that will allow us to do everything that we need to do in order to be prepared to be married and in a relationship, even if it is not with each other. I feared that this would happen for a long time and it did but to tell you the truth I feel no regret and no want to alter the past so this is definitely a good sign. I am glad that we are still on speaking terms and friends and that we both did and knew what was best for us right now. I know that I am supposed to be in DC and that I am not supposed to be in a relationship right now I also know that by following my promptings to take this action it will be easier to take actions in the future that will help me in life. By that really long sentence I mean by following promptings now it will help ensure that I get more and will train me more to follow them.

Summary of the story is this. Brent and I both had promptings, or so he says, that were telling us to take a break and to wait until I am back in Orem before we can pursue a romantic relationship. SO this may or may not be a permanent thing but if it is I know that I made the right decision and that Brent made the right decision. This to me is a testimony of the living truth that the gospel is real today and that there are still revelations given and not just to the elite but to all of us. I know that by following these revelations I am doing what Heavenly Father wants of me and what I expect of myself.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

DC January 20th 2009

Tuesday January 20th 2009
Inauguration Day!!!

Okay so this day was soo great because I got to witness history being made. I got to see the names carved into the stones of history. I watched and saw President Barack H. Obama become the 44th President of the United States. I was especially drawn to this exciting event for 2 reasons. The first being because hello I am in DC and I may never make it ouot here ever again and second because I voted for him and it was amazing to see how my vote actually played into the way history is written. I had a fabulous and memorable time there. I remember feeling so great that I was part of history being made and feeling so proud that this country is still run in a way that is unique and free from corruption in comparison to the global community. I felt this day was one that I would remember forever. My day started at about 4 AM. This is when I woke up. I left somewhere near 5:45 AM and got on the Metro. Well I did not last long on the Metro because I got so claustrophobic that I had to get off. So me and my friend Tali got off and walked from Arlington Cemetary to the Mall. Well as we are walking I got to see the most fantastic things that one could ever see. I got to see the memorials all lit up and the sun rising over that DC skyline. I got to see millions of people starting to fill the GA sections of the mall in celebration of the change about to be brought to America and it was an amazing way to start a morning. Well because I had a silver ticket I did not have to crowd into the GA mall viewing area but instead got to wait in a 'line' until our gate opened and at which point it was a mad rush into the area to get the best 'seat'. Whatever so we get in with a clear view of both the capital and the JumboTron screen so that I can see the actual event and the video of the event cause I mean I have good vision and all but not that good. So I watched that but I had to wait for a few hours to even see the event begin. Well I waited and while I waited I made friends with the people who were around me. They were all OBAMA chanting and singing Goodbye George Bush. It was fun to get to know them a little bit and to experience that different thing than I would ever see back home. Well eventually 11:30 arrives and they start welcoming everybody and I see and hear the most horrible thing I ever thought I would see or hear and that was the booing for President Bush. It was so loud and so uncalled for. Yes I am glad that we have a new president in charge but I do not think that was neccesary. This experience made me remember how lucky we as Americans are to live in this country where we are free to express our greivences about the government in anyway that we wish. I do wish people had more manners but I am glad that we have that right. Well this leads into the actual swearing in ceremonies and here is what happens and how it goes, well it was fantastic and ran just as it had been rehearsed. So here we are in the nations capitol and a most amazing speech is delivered and I am getting all goosebumpy cause that is what I do and then it ends and I am on cloud 9 cause it was just that amazing. Well everybody starts to leave and I was sick of fighting crowds so I stay back and wait and while I wait I find the garbage bags people sat on and used them as garbage bags to clean up after these environmentalist democrats leave their mess everywhere. At this point in time I was so ashamed to label myself among them but I stayed arouond and tried to make an impact on the mess but I really could not do it alone so that was a waste of my time. Then when we decided to finally leave we walked to multiple metro stations ans then just made the decision to just walk there because it will be faster and a better solution in the end. So I walked over the George Washington Memorial Bridge, i think, into Crystal City. Well that was a fantastic walk too. It was over the Potomac river which is frozen right now and you get to see all of the sights of DC in the distance. It was well worth the cold and long walk. Then I came home and watched August Rush with some of the other interns then we had a little party and we all crashed hard that evening, early. That was Tuesday Inauguration Day!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

DC January 19th 2009

Monday January 19th 2009

Okay so I spent today just kinda finishing settling in. I got everything unpacked that I needed to. I cleaned up my room. I went shopping a little bit. I got my Facebook Photos from week 1 up all the way, I think, or at least the ones that I had in my computer already. Tonight I have FHE and my mandatory meeting for my lease. Half Price Burgers is also an option this evening so we will have to see what happens with that tonight. I also know that I have to get up early tomorrow cause I am going to the inauguration and that is why I am updating this soo early today. Dang those tourists are taking up space and ruining my time everywhere that I go. I see them. How can I tell that they are tourists. They are the ones who do not understand that you walk on one side of the escalator and stand on the other and they are the ones who do not know how to grab their tickets out of the metro reader and they slow the rest of us soo much. They are also the ones with their pins and hats and Obama gear that are popping up out of nowhere suddenly. Those tourists are making it a lot harder to get anywhere anymore. So I will be glad when the tourists once again disappear like they came in waves and the city is back to normal.
PS it is soo cold here. Life is fabulous except for I miss my snow and I miss my Mountains, sorry skyscrapers and public transportation is not a good enough replacement for my Mountains. I do however like the amount of other liberals that are to be found here in DC. They are an astounding number, a number that makes me feel like I am in a majority which is kinda cool considering I was definetely in a minority when I left home. I like the way people think here. I love the open mindedness and a lot of other things that they have mastered.

I am sucking at pictures lately send me texts to remind me to take them and post them

Sunday, January 18, 2009

DC January 18th 2009

Sunday January 18th 2009

I LOVE MY WARD!!!! Can I say that enough. I never thought that I could enjoy a ward and feel at home like I did in the 6th ward until I moved out here. I love the Colonial First YSA ward in Alexandria VA. I feel so at home here even though I am way younger than everybody else. I love it and it is amazing and I feel the love that everyone feels for each other. Then after church forced socializing aka Munch and Mingle where I got to meet more fabulous people. Then Sunday Nap which is my favorite thing to do on the weekends and it is even better when I had a late Saturday and an early Sunday. Then Ice Cream and games and other stuff with the boys and others in 304. TTYL

I do not have pictures. I need to get this together.

DC January 17th 2009

Saturday January 17th 2009

I had a great saturday I got to learn about my new roommate and become better friends with her. Then that night I went out to the Kennedy Center and watched a show called Striking Viking Story Pirates and it was children stories written by children and put to music and props and stuff like that. Then I came home with Crystal my new roomie and we watched the sequel to National Treasure shich is what we had watched the night previously with the ward. So then I went to bed way late and had another early Sunday Morning.

I love my new roommate Crystal and I cannot say it enough that I love her and Crystal they are both soo fabulous. I need to get pictures of them and post it on here.

DC January 16th 2009

Friday January 16th 2009

I had an enjoyable Friday night with some of the people in the ward. I went and got to meet a bunch of new people and I love them all soooo much. I LOVE my ward and the girls in my ward. My life is absolutely fabulous. So I had a great Friday night full of meeting people and doing a lot of exciting things. There is nothing better I think than walking home after a long weeks work and everything that makes you just smile and remember that this is a chosen land of freedoms.

Grr I am upset at my self now for being a sucktastic picture documentator if that is even a word

DC January 15th 2009

Thursday January 15th 2009
Late night at the office

Okay so I had a very long day and then I went straight to sleep and then got up early the next morning. Sorry pathetic day to report but there will be some of those every now and then.

I am sucking at pictures now and I need to do better.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

DC January 14th 2009

Wednesday January 14th 2009

I had another day full of adventures and learning experiences. I am very excited about everything that I learned and will continue to learn and for some reason what I did today makes me love Brent even more than I thought I ever could. I also got great news that I may be able to go to the inauguration which is really great news cause hello when else am I going to get this opportunity. So here is what else I want to do. I want to go to the inaugural youth ball. I really really really want to go and I am keeping my eyes and ears out for info about tickets. I will tell you all about my fabulous day in a later post.

DC January 13th 2009

Tuesday January 13th 2009

It was a great day full of exciting adventures. I did a lot of stuff. Well after this I did something that Rose would be so proud of me for doing which was institiute. In fact I even went to 2 different classes and I stayed awake for both of them and then long enough to get home and ready for the night very late, further proving I went way out of my way to make it happen. Well life is great and I love it.

DC January 12th 2009

Monday January 12th 2009

I am soo excited for this day cause I got my metro card. This line was forever long. Along with that I got a cool collectors item which was a Barrack Obama smart trip card which is pretty much the coolest souvenir you can have because it shows that you really do use it and that it also has a collector value affixed to it. I am all about practicallity. Well I missed FHE and that was okay cause I got a little bit of alone time which is always appreciated and I was glad I had it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

DC January 11th 2009

Okay so I got ready for the day way too early for as late as I was out last night. Well I went to Church with like a billion other people actually one 300 and in this I discovered that our boundaries are actually kinda small. Then I came home and started to unpack the rest of my stuff. I am still not all unpacked. I need to go get some hangers. I then took a nap. It was amazing. I came downstairs and got online and I have ran between my apartment and her multiple times and now I am here just chillin' updating my life. I will post pictures of my life when I get more time.

DC January 10th 2009

Okay so this was my first saturday here in DC. A group of us set out to see some museums and monuments. I went to my favorite museum I bet which is the American History Museum. It was way busy because it just reopened. Then I went to the Hirshhorn Museum and saw some really cool modern art. I love DC. I went to the museums and then I went to dinner with the girls on the 5th floor and it was great fun. Then after I just hung out with some kids late into the night. Then I went to bed cause I have church early. I think I have picture I am not sure.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

DC January 9th 2009

Friday December 9th 2009

Okay so today was actually very hard for me. I am not the type of person that just doesn't do the type of stuff that we did tonight and I was struggling dealing with it a little bit. But all in all I am glad that I went downtown exploring. I love my walk home. Nothing is better than walking from my office to the Capital South Metro Station. I can promise you that there is nothing better than walking between the Capital Building, The Library of Congress, and the Supreme Court Building at one time as the sun is setting. It is absolutely amazing I promise. So, I love it!! Then we go wandering around DC that evening. I had a great fun and super exciting day. My camera also broke this day and it is going to go to Best Buy and see if it can be fixed. That is why I have no pictures.

Pictures are a no go today and I am bummed cause my camera is having malfunctions.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

DC January 8th 2009

Thursday January 8th 2009
But other than having a great day here in the Capital building I also got to have my testimony strengthend for some really cheesy reason. I know that this is the chosen land because I watched the untainted political process in the way it should be used, without object and with equal represetation for all. There is something about seeing our legislative body work it out that just makes me remember it. I had a great day but I am still super tired. Today was great!!

Will post pictures as I get them but for now I will need to get my camera adapter.

DC January 7th 2009

Wednesday January 7th 2009
First Day of Work
Okay so I got my first experience in the world of working in the office of a Senator I had a day full of learning and exploring and my name being spelled wrong. Well I came home from work and I just kinda had a fun night with the other interns. We went and got dessert and I also just had a bunch of fun with them all. I finally got to bed before 11 and it was amazing. I love doing that it makes it soo much better when I have to get up the next morning.

Pictures of the evening are to be posted later.

DC January 6th 2009

Tuesday January 6th 2009
Well this day I just kinda took it easy and explored the city and I also just had some fun with my roomie. She is fantastic and is exactly what I needed to have fun out here and to feel like I fit in. Well this day I went to a few modern art museums and I also went to the postal museum. I have some awesome pictures that I need to add to this so that you can see what I am talking about. I also went to the Library of Congress and I also was succesful at convincing Erin (my roomie) and Matt (friend of boys) and Matt is the biggest anti-museum and exploration person I have ever met so if I am succesfull at that I am starting to feel successful at doing some other impossible things too. To tell you the truth I really liked the postal Museum even though it was really ridiculous I loved how hands on it was and how much it exceeded my expectations of a museum. Then I finally went grocery shopping so that I can stop mooching off of my roomates. Then I did something that I did not even do at home. I went to institute, Rose you would be so proud of me. I am not sure if I like being so reliant on everybody else. Normally I am always the one to drive others I am never the one to be needing a ride. I think it is just one of the things that I need to learn while I am here. It is for sure difficult to adjust to in my life though.

Pictures to be posted later. When I remember to get my camera adapter.

DC January 5th 2009

Monday January 5th 2009
Okay I left on Delta Flight 1324 at 9:39 AM. I arrived in DC at about 3:45 PM on the same day. This is pretty much what I spent the majority of my day doing. After I got here and slightly settled I went to FHE with my new ward family and I luv them and I luv the ward even though I am the youngest by like a huge ratio. I am soo glad that they were willing to take me under their wings like they did. After FHE a group of 6 of us went to Crystal City Sports Pub (no I did not drink) it was half price burger night. It was a great way to get to know everybody else that I was afraid that I would never become friends with. Then I went home and went to bed it was a neccesarry thing to do.

Sadly no Pictures for this day!!!