So throughout high school I had a reputation about being the biggest blonde that ever graced the planet. Well I still have the happy morning person happy little poptart blonde personaltiy but I am not blonde. does that make sense.Well lets simplify it for you a little bit. I am now a red head.
If you find this horribly ironic raise your hand.
Most people's hands go up.
Well now that we see how many of you think that this is an unexpected and quite different from the expected hair color I should have. Well I hope that the Four blondes do not disown me because of the lack of blondeness. they have no reason to since only Christy is the only blonde but with a bumch of girls in a clique who knows what may happen. You know what I won't let them I mean how can we have only three Four Blondes. That would just sound really weird and quite out of place and context but go figure. Besides that they kinda need someone like me to keep them in place as far as randomity goes. Wish me the best of luck with the acceptance of four blondes.
For Now
Happy Little Poptart
Happy Morning Person
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