- So I am a morning person but not just a morning person I am actually happy in the morning. So many a time I have had moments where I get really angry looks from all of the other people in the room. The most notable of these are the ones that occured during early morning rehearsals in band class. the dialouge was in the whole class and it went like this. Mr. Lemen:"Good Morning boys and girls!!" All but me: "Grr I hate you, good morning(not excitedly) no response" Me:"Good Morning Mr. Lemen!!!" Mr.Lemen: "Jordin that is crazy that you like mornings. Just make sure that you marry a morning person" He told me to marry a morning person like everyday and I listened and I discovered that I will never get married since there are are no morning people in this world besides the crazy me.
- I am very accident prone and it makes doing basic things quite difficult and since that it is the case I also beleive in Murphy's Law which I will quickly describe for those of you who are not aware of what it is. It basically states that if anything bad is going to happen it is bound to happen to me. So this has been true in many instances mostly involving anything besides sitting around doing nothing.
- The upside down turtle. My favorite falling postion which involves me falling on my back and struggling to get up. Falling off curbs while playing mini golf with my fam and landing in the flowers at the course and then having my friend see me is one of the best. Or the turtle incident at girly camp which ended pretty much like the flower incident at mini golf with me on my back and struggling very hard to get up. Except for this incident I was carrying a misbalanced pack and was unable to get back up cause I couldn't see what was happening because it was dark. I lied the turtle at girly camp is way better. It is almost as good as the falling in the river and being thrown back into the boat and being stuck in the same position the upside down turtle.
- The effects of the happymorningness. So once upon a time I went to mexico to build houses and they found out that I was a morning person and that I never hit the snooze button. So this one girl was like what are you a 'happy little poptart'. And for some unknown reason that little pseudonym stuck and I became known as the happy little poptart to Elisa Julia and Mr. Miner which is a completly different story. Involving my senior year trip to Washington DC. Julia, Elisa and I were assigned to be roomies and Elisa and Julia are not morning people at all in fact they hate them with a passion. So I get up with the little alarm clock going off and they are like whoa slow down turbo and I am like I can't I am like a happy little poptart in the morning. and then we were talking about it in the elevator down to the lobby and Mr. Miner was in it with us and that is how I became the happylittlepoptart of Orem High School.
- The Key incident(s). So before I got my Sonata I was driving a '95 Camry and it didn't have auto locks and it wouldn't lock from the outside it would from the inside but not the outside. It is crucial that you understand that. It unlocked from both sides but only locked from the inside. Okay so this is why that part was so crucial. I would open the door undo my seatbelt lock the door and then climb out. Frequently(like three times a week I would lock my keys in my ignition) So after about the second time me and my mom got copies of my key made. Well that did very little since I kept doing it. Then we got a key box put under the bumper of my car that worked okay but I always looked awkward when I would get under my car to enter the code to get the key out of the box. Then Mr. Lemen made this brilliant suggestion that I put a sparer key in his office and that was a great suggestion since i would no longer have to shimmy under my car to get the out of the box. So I would show up in Mr. Lemen's office like three times a week and everytime he would just roll his eyes and laugh at me a little and it was all good fun with me.
- The Bed thing. When I lived at home I had a queen sized bed and I would only sleep on half of it and would fall off frequently. I usually didn't fall too hard since my nightstand usually woke me up enough to have me only force myself to hit the ground so it was usually pretty favorable and not all nasty and stuff. Well when I moved out I still fall off my bed but it hurts more since I don't have my nightstand to wake me up. But that is just what happens.
- So last night at FHE was the first time that I was ever on a trampoline. many a person were shocked by that. The reasons I had never been on a trampoline was because when I was younger my mom always told us no and so that no type ideology carried with me through the teenage years and i just never did that. So at FHE last susan was like lets go jump on the tramp and i was like i never had and she was like it isnt hard. I was like okay so i got and started jumping pretty hard and then susan tried to get me to bounce up by stopping and letting me catch her elasticity and I went really high and then I landed on the tramp and fell over because i was not expecting it. later when me and susan got off another bunch of kids got on and they were going reallt high and they bounced one of there own into the springs and she kinda fell off in a rather ridiculous fashion. Later I was talking to another friend about it and we realized that if I had been less scared of the trampoline and had more higher bouncing people that would have been me since I am so absolutely accident prone.
- I have this wierd Idea that cops tend to follow me everywhere. I went to Utah Lake to go boating. Since my dad's shop is near the lake. Like no lie his shop is around the corner from the Lindon Harbour. So to save money on parking we all parked at his shop and we all climbed into the boat and into the back of the truck to take that drive. Well as we turn the corner from my dad's shop we see a Utah County Sheriff truck. So we can all sii what is going to happen from here. So we go and are all like oh shoot what are we going to do from here. Well this cop was nice enough to be all like just go on your way and we will pretend like nothing happened as long as you are careful. I wish all cops would have been like him. He kind of reminds me of the one we had on the fourth. He reminded me nothing of the one I was so pleased to meet on my way to Jackson Hole on a ward activity. That experience was not the most pleasant of all. If I had to deal with that cop I would have been in tears good thing that it was Dave instead of me.
- So once upon a time me and Susan went and Post -It noted Dave's car and the sprinklers turned on while he was still in work and it made the dye in the paper run and left marks on the car. So I drove susan home later and we saw the pink and we were like shoot. Cause at the time we didnt know what happened. Good news though it washed right off.
- SO yesterday I was driving around town and then I went and picked up Christy so that we could go fabric shopping for her bf's sisters baby. So we are driving around as it starts getting late and the sun is setting so I have the visor down in my car. So we get to fabric mill and we get out to choose fabric. So we go in and as we are doing so I flip the visor half way up so that I do not hit my head on it on the way out. REMEMBER THE VISOR IS ONLY HALF WAY UP!!!! So when we get in the car to go home I sit down and hit my head really hard against the visor because I am blonde and that is just what I do.
That is some of the best to date I will for sure post more as I get them the text color is going to change everytime I update the posts that way when you read it you will know what you have and havent already read